Potential Rollback of 40% Export Duty on Onions


The Indian government is currently contemplating a significant policy shift regarding the 40% export duty levied on Bangalore rose onions from Karnataka and Krishnapuram rose onions from Andhra Pradesh. In response to the soaring onion prices, this export duty was introduced on August 19, 2023, causing a substantial decline in onion exports. Trade sources have reported that discussions are underway regarding the possibility of reversing this decision.

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Impact on Onion Exports:

The imposition of a 40% export duty on all types of onions from India had an immediate and considerable impact on the onion export market. Market sources indicate that onion exports plummeted by nearly 70% following the introduction of this duty. This drastic decline has had ramifications for both farmers and traders involved in the onion industry.

Onion Strike in Nashik:

In related news, a group of onion traders in Nashik initiated a strike on September 20, 2023, to protest the government’s export duty policy. However, in a recent meeting held on Monday, these traders resolved to continue their strike. Despite this ongoing strike, experts believe that it is unlikely to have a significant effect on onion prices at the national level.

Appeal by Rose Onion Exporters:

The Agri Commodities Exporters’ Association, which represents rose onion exporters, has formally requested the government to consider permitting the export of 10,000 tonnes of Bangalore rose onions and Krishnapuram rose onions without any export duty during the period from October to December. This appeal is rooted in the desire to bolster onion exports and support the livelihoods of those involved in rose onion cultivation.


The potential rollback of the 40% export duty on Bangalore and Krishnapuram rose onions is currently under evaluation by the Indian government. The imposition of this duty had led to a significant decline in onion exports, while traders in Nashik continue their strike against the policy. The Agri Commodities Exporters’ Association has made a formal request to exempt certain quantities of rose onions from export duties in the coming months, demonstrating the industry’s commitment to finding a viable solution to the current challenges. As this situation unfolds, it will be crucial to monitor government decisions and their impact on onion exports and prices in India.


1. What is the current export duty on Bangalore and Krishnapuram rose onions?

  • As of August 19, 2023, the Indian government imposed a 40% export duty on all types of onions, including Bangalore rose onions from Karnataka and Krishnapuram rose onions from Andhra Pradesh.

2. Why was the export duty imposed on these varieties of onions?

  • The export duty was introduced to curb the soaring prices of onions in the domestic market, which had been experiencing a strong bullish trend.

3. How has the export duty affected onion exports from India?

  • The export duty led to a significant reduction in onion exports, with market sources reporting a nearly 70% decline in exports.

4. What is the status of the onion strike in Nashik, and how does it impact onion prices?

  • Onion traders in Nashik initiated a strike on September 20, 2023, to protest the export duty policy. Despite the ongoing strike, experts suggest that its impact on national onion prices is unlikely to be substantial.

5. Who is appealing for the exemption of export duty on rose onions, and what are their demands?

  • The Agri Commodities Exporters’ Association, representing rose onion exporters, has formally requested the government to consider allowing the export of 10,000 tonnes of Bangalore rose onions and Krishnapuram rose onions without any export duty from October to December. Their goal is to support onion exports and the livelihoods of those involved in rose onion cultivation.

6. When can we expect a decision regarding the potential rollback of the export duty?

  • The decision regarding the potential rollback of the export duty on rose onions is currently under evaluation by the Indian government. The timeline for a decision remains uncertain and will depend on government deliberations.

7. How can I stay updated on developments related to the export duty on rose onions?

  • To stay informed about the latest updates on the export duty situation and its impact on onion exports and prices, you can monitor reputable news sources and government announcements.

8. What should farmers and traders in the onion industry do during this period of uncertainty?

  • Farmers and traders in the onion industry are encouraged to closely follow developments and adapt their strategies as needed. Additionally, they may consider diversifying their produce or exploring alternative markets to mitigate potential losses.

9. Is there any support available for those affected by the export duty on rose onions?

  • It is advisable to check with relevant government agencies or agricultural associations for any support programs or relief measures that may be available to those affected by the export duty policy.

10. How can stakeholders in the onion industry contribute to finding a solution to these challenges?

  • Stakeholders can engage in dialogues with government representatives, industry associations, and experts to collectively address the challenges posed by the export duty on onions. Collaboration and constructive discussions are vital in finding viable solutions.
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